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Headquarters: Udine - Italia
Via Caterina Percoto 10, 33100
Contatti: 0039-0432-501591
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MyHunter – IC&Partners
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MyHunter is the consulting service that allows a company to find the most suitable partners to successfully operate on foreign markets.

A company does not operate alone on the market, but with local partners who can begin to lead it toward success: a targeted selection of partners in line with the company’s needs and with the business objectives is key to establish the company’s presence on the market.

MyHunter is the service that helps a company find the most suitable partners — suppliers, distributors, customers — for its own needs, to firmly position itself in a certain competitive context. The service is comprised of several operational steps, starting from the definition of the profile of the ideal partner, to arrive to the selection and mapping of the names up to the identification of a short-list of contacts in line with the target identified by the company. The service can be completed with activities of promotion, contact and introduction of the company to the potential partner and assistance during business missions.


Looking abroad? We will put you on the right way.


We find suppliers, customers and partners for you.


Who are the competitors that operate in the country? We provide you with business names and data.


Our temporary managers are ready to help you.


Where to invest? We support you in the comparative analysis, providing precise data and feedback.


We introduce you to the target markets.