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Headquarters: Udine - Italia
Via Caterina Percoto 10, 33100
Contatti: 0039-0432-501591
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Innovazione – IC&Partners
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Tailor-made solutions to promote, manage and evaluate techno business.

IC & Partners offers a range of services aimed at supporting companies in the challenge of innovation. We help companies to innovate by looking ahead.

Consulting 4.0

The Italian National Industry 4.0 Plan is an attractive factor at international level, so much that Italy is the country that offers the greatest number of tax advantages on innovation. The Plan includes concrete measures, primarily tax breaks, to facilitate innovative investments and grow your business.

As part of the gradual expansion of the services that IC & Partners has developed over the years to ensure greater support to companies engaged in increasingly complex contexts, a core operating in management and IT consulting has been structured.

IC & Partners offers advice on tax breaks, tax credit and other actions foreseen by the National Industry 4.0 project such as:

  • Hyper and Super Depreciation;
  • Research & Development Credit;
  • Credit for 4.0 training;
  • Patent box.

IC & Partners is now able to develop strategic plans and set up structured business plans to promote the search for new finance in the case of start-ups, expansion or restructuring projects.

If necessary, IC&Partners provides temporary management services for CFO, COO and CEO positions.

Our experience allows us to manage a technology transfer project at every stage, with maximum efficiency and speed.


Today, the digitalization of businesses is a critical issue that does not only concern the technological aspect but involves the entire corporate organization.

In this context, our services are designed to support the company in adopting a new approach and specifically concern the following areas:

  • Process digitalization
  • Blockchain
  • Artificial intelligence

Subsidized finance

Investing on foreign markets or in innovation has always required resources and capital, but which are the most suitable and effective financing tools for your company and your projects? We provide information and support to companies in identifying funds available for development of new internationalization, research and innovation projects. We work on European, national and regional funds.

Do you want to internationalize your business through foreign direct investments? Do you want to export your products?