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Export management – IC&Partners
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Export management

Tailored international marketing consulting.

With its Export Management services, IC & Partners sides with its clients throughout the whole process of expansion towards foreign markets, helping each company steer towards the areas with the highest business potential.

Projects involving international marketing consulting are flexible and can adapt to the characteristics and objectives of each company. They include a number of strategic and operational steps: from the selection and analysis of the target market to the development of entry strategies. To complete the offer, also Temporary Export Management (TEM) services are available directly through the network of local offices dedicated to the research of business partners, suppliers and/or financial partners.

The First Target is GROWTH

IC & Partners accompanies its clients through their development and consolidation process on the foreign markets with the aim of managing together a complex and constantly evolving international context. It promotes the growth of companies on the global market, offering business and professional advice. Its approach is based on the assumption that a properly structured company supported by the right services will be able to direct its attention to research, development and business improvement.

IC & Partners offers companies with an international expansion project a professional consultancy service in the financial, management, fiscal, and legal area, operating on two levels: strategically from Italy, offering help in defining the most suitable development trajectories, and directly from its network of offices abroad, supporting the daily operations locally. The strength, reliability and value offered by IC & Partners have been maturing for over twenty years of experience, from the direct presence on foreign markets with its own offices and from a multidisciplinary team of professionals who are experts in local subjects and legislation.


Looking abroad? We will put you on the right way.


We find suppliers, customers and partners for you.


Who are the competitors that operate in the country? We provide you with business names and data.


Our temporary managers are ready to help you.


Where to invest? We support you in the comparative analysis, providing precise data and feedback.


We introduce you to the target markets.

Do you want to internationalize your business through foreign direct investments? Do you want to export your products?