With the accounting & tax reporting service, IC&Partners offers its clients a complete account keeping service tailored on the economic and financial requirements of each of the foreign countries involved. These services include also analyses and reports, which, according to the client’s needs, are necessary to gather a precise view of the corporate activities.
IC & Partners offers consultancy on international taxation to support multinational companies in structuring a coordinated tax plan according to the different countries and jurisdictions involved. Through its network of foreign branches, IC & Partners manages locally all the tax and declarative compliances required for its customers. The areas of specialization are transfer pricing, CFC discipline - Controlled Foreign Companies, permanent establishments and fiscal sustainability plans.
The advantage offered by IC&Partners in the management of accounting & tax activities consists in providing a very specific service via outsourcing, directly in the foreign country, relying on a team of professionals trained on the local regulations. IC & Partners pays attention to carefully tailor ordinary accounting throughout an international structure, adjusting the accounting systems of the different subsidiaries for a clear and aligned reading of company data.
Companies that have developed structures with employees in a foreign country may find that the management of payroll reporting implies a substantial administrative effort, as it requires knowledge of local regulations. This, however, can be entrusted to the foreign branches of IC & Partners, which have the necessary expertise for an efficient management of payroll operations.
Furthermore, in cases of personnel reallocation from the Italian headquarters to foreign subsidiaries, IC & Partners supports its clients with any compliances related to tax and social security management, to ensure a smooth transition, both within the EU or in other countries, where bilateral agreements might not be present. The consulting services are provided after a comparative analysis of all the possible solutions in order to identify the most suitable and cost-effective for each specific case, and therefore find an economically advantageous answer and avoid incurring in penalties due to the failed management of expatriate personnel.
The client company can thus focus its attention on higher value-added activities such as personnel selection and HR management.
One of the determining factors in the establishment and growth of a company on the international market is the knowledge of the local regulations context, therefore legal advice should be considered as an integrating part of complex advisory interventions.
The IC & Partners legal consultancy services include assistance with trade law, international contracts, corporate establishment and governance, extraordinary corporate transactions, regulatory and competition issues for marketing products and services on foreign markets, industrial law and of intellectual property.
Audits, whether optional or mandatory, are an important analysis procedure that allows for a proper assessment of the health of a company and its management, thus representing an effective tool for forecasting future scenarios.
Additionally, when an international company is considered, audits are key for the certification of the statement reports of foreign subsidiaries and the verification of their conformity with the applicable legislation. Moreover, an audit gathers data on which basis strategic actions can be taken to improve the overall performances.
IC&Partners offers auditing services in the accounting areas aimed at verifying their compliance under civil, tax, currency and administrative terms. Furthermore, the services include the certification of financial statements and the preparation of the necessary documentation for extraordinary operations. IC&Partners’ consulting approach is based on a solid knowledge of the clients company, the targeted market, the adopted strategies, the objectives set and the possible risks.
IC&Partners advisory services are aimed at predicting and evaluating the possible changes that could occur in a complex context such as the international market, with the ultimate goal of helping companies in their growth and steering them towards new business opportunities, while reducing at the same time the impactfulness of possible risks. To complete the start-up consulting service, once the suitable markets have been identified, IC&Partners assists its clients in business plans drafting, company mergers and acquisitions, due diligence and organizational counseling, in order to limit the administrative liability of the involved parties – with particular regard to Italian legislative decree 231/01.
Completing the offer, the finance services are focused on analyzing structure, needs and financial flows of the company, verifying their consistency and pointing out any critical aspects, suggesting remedies and evaluating possible financial sources.
IC&Partners’ contribution in these areas stands out for its comprehensive approach to internationalization projects, for availing of professional experts with multidisciplinary skills able to cover different consulting areas in an integrated manner, for its experience and ability to operate in each single country, and for the extensive network of connections it is able to offer.
Whether a start-up or the development of an existing establishment, each business idea related to internationalization requires a scientific approach, where the business plan is a focal instrument in defining mission, objectives, operational steps, financial commitment and human resources.
IC&Partners fulfills the business planning activity by measuring and assessing international development projects with an integrated approach: merging the different competences and skills available to properly decide over the feasibility of an investment and discuss on the best structure achievable.
IC&Partners always takes into consideration the complexities companies face during the internationalization process. To help their clients move on the international market, IC&Partners’ local subsidiaries offer their contribution with guidance and strategic proposals, while ensuring at the same time a real perspective on the planned operations. Thus, IC&Partners suggests business opportunities, operational partners, financing sources, tax breaks or presence of any special economic zones: all elements that can make the difference in the business growth project and ensure the maximum efficiency of the results.